31 March 2015
Shrimp ravioli
I made ravioli with local egg wanton skin. The stock of the sauce is made with shrimp heads, onion, celery and carrots. They are wontons if you serve with clear soup but can be ravioli with creme sauce. It's absolutely delicious and easy starter.
30 March 2015
Slow cooked Char siu
This is pork shoulder cooked in soya sauce. In any slow cooked meat dish, I cook without seasoning first then add the sauce in later in cooking. I cooked with ginger and onion first then added soya sauce and sugar.
29 March 2015
Aji no pasta
This is a pasta dish I used Aji confit of the previous post. I heated up confit together with its oil and added cherry tomatoes, then added boiled pasta.
「鯵のパスタ」 前回投稿の鯵のコンフィを使った料理。鯵をほぐしてオイルと一緒にフライパンで温め、チェリートマトを加える。そこに茹でたパスタを絡めたもの。数分でできる料理なのに、激うまだ。
Aji no confit
28 March 2015
Chicken & Cheese panini
I made panini sandwich with chicken left over from the day before. I have a hot sandwich press but I used the panini press for the first time since I've found panini bread here.
27 March 2015
Singapore Chicken rice
The first dish I made after coming back from Australia was chicken rice. This is very easy and delicious. It has to serve with chicken soup made from chicken bones. Chicken soup is made only with chicken and vegetable without any cubes or MSG is really a comfort to stomach.
「海南チキン」旅行から帰ってきて直ぐに作った料理。シンガポールではこの料理が一番作りやすく美味しい。 新鮮な鶏(小)を1羽買い、ガラと脚を煮込みながら出汁を取り、その出汁でご飯を炊く。最後に胸肉をサッと茹でる。鶏と野菜だけて取ったスープはコンソメやチキンキューブは一切使っていないが、驚くほど旨味がする。優しい味の鶏スープが旅行疲れの胃にしみる。
26 March 2015
Melbourne Gourmet
"Charlie & co. burger"
"Luxembourg Bistro, Kilda"
I've visited Melbourne for the first time. I think this is probably the most southern place in the world I've travelled so far in my life. South Australia is a very isolated place from the rest of the world and I've found the city had very unique its own.
There are many Victorian buildings had left but the modern building was a very colourful and very unique design. In my impression, the whole city has a downtown atmosphere.
Restaurants in Melbourne were as good as they were in Sydney. We had great experience in any places we chose. We've found may Tapas style of restaurant serves plats to share.
These two restaurants in my photos were specially excellent, every plate of those places are surprisingly good. We also found a great burger place in the shopping mall's food court.
写真のレストランは特に美味しかった所。特に"Cumuls"は斬新な料理に驚いた。フュージョンではあるが、全体がとてもよくマッチしていて感激した。ビールとワインはパブやバーでよく飲んだが、"Luxembourg bistro"の地ビールが香りがとてもよく一番美味しかった。
25 March 2015
24 March 2015
23 March 2015
Sydney Gourmet
"Fish and Chips at Pantry, Manly"
"Grass fed - fillet at Steersons, Darling harbor"
"Grass fed - rib eye"
"Aged beef burger at The Morrisons"
"Breakfast at Brew cafe"
"Breakfast at cafe in Blue mountain"
Food in Australia is really good, especially beef and fish. The level of food is relatively high in any restaurants. We ate at places I didn't research before but it was surprisingly good. I think this is due to the quality and freshness of the ingredient. It was very obvious that they have very fresh ingredients after we visited the fish market.
In my impression, Australian foods are not English food but it's own, a mix of many cultures. They seem to have a strong influence on Asian and Italian immigrants. I've seen many restaurants serve sashimi or carpaccio for entre dishes. Also coffee is not English/American style of strain type but a steamed type of European style.
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