31 December 2019

Christmas in South of France

I went to spend Christmas in the South of France.  Due to the railway strike, it was such a hassle to travel but the South was calm and peaceful.  It was not very cold this winter compares to another year.  It was raining time to time but the weather was better than in Italy.


Christmas in Paris

I didn't take many photos in Paris this time because I spent most of the time walking.

30 December 2019

La Creperie

This is probably the best Crepe I had in Paris.  I've been to few Creperies before but I really like it here for the food and the place.


La Creperie

Le Bouclier de Bacchus

This is a Lyonnaise Bouchon in my neighbourhood and I've always wanted to come here because I knew it for many years.  It's a very small place but it was full of people.  As I expected, lunch was fantastic.  I really loved all tye typical Lyonnaise food.

「ブション」近所に昔からある店で、前々から気になっていたのだが初めて入ってみた。料理は典型的なリオン料理でとても美味しかった。特に"Ris de veau"(仔牛の胸腺)の料理は久しぶりに頂いて感動した。ブルゴーニュのワインも最高だった。


Le Bouclier de Bacchus

Le comptoir

We came here again because this is one of my parents' favourite restaurant.  I was very happy with two large slices of foie gras yet I thought that their way of plating became very simple.

I was not very happy with the plate I took for the day, but two other dishes my parents took were wonderful.  There was long waiting for this place about ten years ago but there is no more and I think I know why.


29 December 2019

Louvre at night

Le coupole

This is one of the most famous brasseries in Paris.  I knew it for many years but I came here for the first time but it was absolutely delicious.  French brasseries is a type of restaurant that serves typical French dishes.  As soon as I looked up the menu I wanted to try all.

I took "magret de canard" because I love duck.  All the dishes we took were amazingly well prepared and well cooked.  Especially, the dessert was formidable.

「Le Coupole」とても有名な老舗のブラッセリーで、アールデコの装飾が有名。とても美味しいと昔から聞いていたが、モンパルナスにあるので、今まで行った事がなかった。


私は鴨が好きなので、"Magret de canard" にした。バルサミコ酢入りの血のソースがとても美味しかった。料理はとても丁寧で、きっちりと調理されている。これだけ大きな店で、サービスも昔ながらのウェイターのサービスが良く、伝統が守られている店だと思う。


Le Coupole

28 December 2019

The Galerie d'Apollon

I don't remember if I've visited this part of Galerie, I may come here for the first time.  It was slightly strange to see only this part of the museum is decorated so beautifully to the style of the castle.  The style of decoration is very similar to the one of the Palace of Versailles.  Yet it's, of course, it's same because it's Louis XVI himself moved his Castel from here to Versailles.



Musee du Louvre

We've visited the Louvre museum for this time.  I've been here for a few times but it's been a while since the last time I came.  The museum now has an online reservation with a time bracket.  We took tickets from 9am.  In the end, it was a great time to visit there because there are not many people at this time.



Musee du Louvre