19 May 2015

Sunday brunch!


"Pissaladiere aux olives"

"Pissaladiere aux tomates"

"Gnocchi aux poitrine fume creme"

"Roti de fillet de boeuf"

”Chou a la creme"

We hosted a casual brunch on Sunday.  I made Brioche for the first time and I made them with small amount of butter so they very light.  Making of brioche was not as difficult as I thought even though I don't have dough developer, it's warm enough in Singapore to leave in room temperature.

The sauce of gnocchi is made with chicken stock I made with chicken. It went well with gnocchi very well.  Beef was grass fed tenderloin and it was very good taste.

The dessert was bit of failure... I didn't put eggs enough that the dough was heavy to raise.  Plus it's not a good dessert to make in humid country because the crusts lose crispiness very fast.  Yet I have to make it better than this..




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