31 October 2017

Chinese salted pork

I tried the recipe of a blog I've found on the internet.  It explained very well how to make Chinese style of salted pork.  I wanted to make this for congee but it useful for many other way of cooking.

It took about two weeks; 4 days to salt then drying for ten days.  Because the weather in Singapore is so hot and wet I kept the meat in fridge uncovered, dried them in the fridge.



30 October 2017


This is one of the great international dish I can make in Singapore.  I made this dish with fresh local shrimps, Indian Basmati rice.  It was not very relatable to original Spanish paella but with right ingredients it all comes great in the end.



29 October 2017

Egg with back bacon

Back bacon is bacon made with pork loin.  I prefer this because it has less fat than the belly.  I hardly buy sausages but I buy bacons sometimes.  It goes very well with sunny side egg.


28 October 2017

Eye round steak with brown mushroom sauce

Eye round steak is economical and healthy choice.  Yet because it's very lean, you have to be very careful with the way of cooking.  I made mushroom sauce with fond de veau and red wine.  Fond de veau is Maggi's powder from France.


27 October 2017

Salade au cresson

I love watercress. It's slightly bitter if it's fresh but I love the flavor.  Watercress is also one of the most richest vegetables in vitamins.  It's bit harsh to eat as salad so I mixed with boiled potato, boiled egg and shrimps.

Seasoning is vinaigrette sauce; mix of dijon mustard, white vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper and small amount of Japanese mayonnaise.



26 October 2017

Crab with lemon pasta

Crabs are relatively inexpensive in Singapore yet I hardly cook them because it's too much trouble to remove the crab meat from the shell.  For this dish, I made the sauce with crab, onion, tomato first then I removed the meat from the shell.

For the pasta, I tossed boiled long past with the crab sauce then added lemon juice in the end.  It's good to add lemon on the topping to ease crab smell.



25 October 2017

Home made burger with pickles

I really loved my home made cucumber pickles as my home made burger.  Burger is much healthier to make it at home if you choose lean minced beef.


Cucumber pickles

This is something I made a while ago; Russian style cucumber pickles.  Russian pickles is made with just salt water and small amount of vinegar.  It took about one week to cucumber to be pickled.



24 October 2017

Beef with pumpkin gratin

This is the second dish I made with Beef soup of the previous post.  Somehow the combination with Japanese pumpkin with beef tendon was absolutely wonderful.  Cheese made was the great adhere.


Beef tendon soup

When I had to trim beef tendon, I keep it separately and use for ingredients for beef soup. I grill them first in the oven to give brown color then cook long hours until it becomes very tender.



23 October 2017

Salade au chevre chaud

I think that many Asian people don't really like smelly cheese; chevre; goat cheese is one of it.  In fact I looked for chevre in Kumamoto but I couldn't fine it.  Yet this is one of my favorite salad in French cooking.


22 October 2017

Fricassée de poulet

When I cook the whole chicken, I cook the legs first until it becomes tender then add the breast before few minuets of cooking process.  For this dish, I also used carcass for the sauce.  In the end, it became a very thick and deep sauce.



21 October 2017

Kitchen maintenance

Because I was away from my home kitchen I needed to shin & sharpen all my tools.  Silver wears are easy to be shine these days since I've found the dip but the copper and the knifes take time..  it took me more than half day.



This is just a photo of simple sandwich. I like putting shredded carrots for sandwich but it's not good to keep long hour because water runs into the bread.


20 October 2017

Bavette echalotes

This is the easiest and most delicious steak dish I love.  I make the sauce but it doesn't take so long.


5D Mark IV

We renewed our camera recently to 5D Mark IV.  It has so many functions and got so much better than our last one Mark II.  I'm very excited.

5D Mark IV」最近カメラを新調した。前のものはMark IIだったので、かなりの革新に驚いている。料理写真のレンズは主に「24-70mm」を使用している。


Autumn mountain flower

We bought this in Aso; Kugino.  It's a wonderful combination of seasonal flowers of the mountain.



Maruo yaki is one of the porcelain maker in Amakusa.  I went for a brief visit when I went to Amakusa the other day.  It was the last day for porcelain festival there so very few nice things were left.

I bought this small size "Donburi" for rice.  Donburi is a rice bowl but bigger size for the rice with toppings.  I really like it's look.


19 October 2017


Japanese people eat lots of seaweeds.  It says that we take most of the minerals that need for our body from seaweeds.  I bought the kinds that I can't easily find in Singapore.



Autumn Japanese dishes - fish & meat

"Calamari with radish"

"Calamari with wakame in vinegar"



"Tofu in snapper fone"

"Issaki Nitsuke"

"Akaushi steak"

"Pork with Japanese leeks"

"Burdock with chicken"

"Deep fried small fish with chestnuts"

"Grilled sardine"

"Deep fried small aji marinated in sweet vinegar"

Autumn Japanese dishes - vegetables

"Cold tofu with toppings"

"Kimpira of lotus roots"

"Tofu marinated vegetables; shiraae"

"Japanese vegetable stir fry"

"Yam cooked with chicken"

"Stir fry"

"Aubergine in sesame sauce"

"Japanese pumpkin cooked with milk"

"Japanese potato salad"

"Somen with toppings"

"Komatsuna with Age cooked in dashi"

"Grilled aubergine in dashi"

for my record;

18 October 2017


"Snapper, Akagai"


"Mackerel with sesame"

"Vinegar Mackerel"





"Baby Aji"

"Shima aji"

"Local octopus"

Autumn is a great season for fish, especially the fish called "shinny fish" which is a collective name for bluefish in Japan.  We often have "Samma" this season but it was not a good year.

